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‘Cabinet secretly working on plan to keep ASML in Netherlands’ – Eindhoven News



Photo credit: ASML/Studio040

The concerns within the outgoing cabinet about ASML leaving the Netherlands are so great that a plan is being secretly worked on to keep the Veldhoven company in the Netherlands. De Telegraaf (second largest Dutch national newspaper) wrote this on Wednesday morning.

ASML is said to have submitted a number of wishes to the cabinet and has said that expanding to another country is an option. The fact that the company is thinking about this has to do with the deteriorated business climate in the Netherlands.

Code name

According to the newspaper’s sources, work is being done on the plan under the name ‘Beethoven’ that should ensure that expansion plans of the chip machine manufacturer in the Netherlands can take place. According to the government, this is quite a puzzle. According to the newspaper, the company says that setting up business units in France, for example, is possible.


Concerns about the business climate in the Netherlands have been around for some time. For example, multinationals Shell and Unilever have already moved their head offices from the Netherlands. ASML is having difficulty with plans in The Hague to phase out attractive schemes for expats and migrant workers. The company needs many technical people from abroad to make chip machines. The housing shortage in the Netherlands is also a problem for future ASML employees.

According to newspaper De Telegraaf, outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte is also involved in the issue. He would have a meeting on Wednesday with CEO Peter Wennink and Minister Micky Adriaansens of ‘Economische Zaken (economic affairs).

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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