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Fortnite shop updated as Epic gets fined over microtransactions once again, this time for $1.2 million amid claims



For a brief moment I thought it was December 2022 again, because Fortnite maker Epic has been fined for microtransaction mechanics accused of exploiting children. But instead of the US Federal Trade Commission stinging the company for a net $520 million penalty, this time the Dutch Authority for Consumers & Markets has fined Epic for roughly $1.2 million over “unfair commercial practices aimed at children in Fortnite.”

The ACM flagged the news earlier today, and Epic has put out its own statement noting some changes but also disputing the decision. Last month, Epic announced that cosmetic colors and tiers would be removed, and beginning in late May, Fortnite item shop timers would “instead display the player’s local time when the Item Shop will refresh and items may leave the Shop,” and “the date that an item will rotate out of the shop” would be added to the item description. 

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